About Us
The World Law Foundation (WLF) is a non-for-profit organization based in Madrid, aiming at promoting the Rule of Law as a guarantor of freedom and peace, and strengthening democracy and its institutions throughout the world.
It was founded in 2019 as result of…

Opening Session Caracas: Distortion of the Rule of Law
Together with the Permanent Conference of Ibero-American Legal Academies (CPAJI in Spanish), the World Jurist Association (WJA) organized this preliminary session of the World Law Congress Colombia [...]
The Rule of Law through the Educational System WLC Opening Session Dominican Republic
Chaired by Luis Henry Molina Peña, President of the Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic, the World Jurist Association celebrated the Opening Session Dominican Republic of the [...]
Opening Session Strasbourg «International Protection of Families & Children
In collaboration with the European Bars Federation (FBE), the World Jurist Association (WJA) celebrated on February 25, 2021 the Opening Session Strasbourg of the World Law Congress [...]
Por qué las elecciones en Venezuela no son válidas
Javier Cremades, abogado y Presidente de la World Jurist Association Johann Kriegler* Resulta paradójico que el mismo día que los españoles celebramos el cuadragésimo segundo aniversario de [...]
The World Jurist Association denounces the electoral fraud in Venezuela
The World Jurist Association has presented an expert declaration written by more than 1,000 legal professionals from different countries denouncing that the December 6, 2020 parliamentary elections [...]
The Presidential Succession in Peru: Three Presidents in Seven Days
César Landa Arroyo Democracy is the bedrock of the constitutional state under the rule of law, a state whose purpose is to protect fundamental rights and maintain [...]