About Us
The World Law Foundation (WLF) is a non-for-profit organization based in Madrid, aiming at promoting the Rule of Law as a guarantor of freedom and peace, and strengthening democracy and its institutions throughout the world.
It was founded in 2019 as result of…

Opening Session Washington, D.C.: «Human Rights and Justice: Fundamental Pillars for Strengthening Democratic Systems»
"We are far from a reality where human rights are protected in real time, and there is a long way ahead to guarantee effective mechanisms". This is [...]
Javier Cremades, Abogado y Presidente de la World Jurist Association y Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo David Mills, Abogado y Catedrático de Derecho en Standford Law School En París, [...]
Opening Session Miami: «Covid-19: Boon or Detriment for Gender Equality?»
Under the title "Covid-19: Boon or Detriment for Gender Equality?", the World Jurist Association (WJA) and the Bass Institute for Diversity and Inclusion organized this much-needed and [...]
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Jurist for History
The author met the American judge and awarded her with the World Peace & Liberty Award, given by the World Jurist Association. Ruth Bader Ginsburg´s death (1933-2020) [...]
The WJA at the UN conference of the states parties to the un convention against corruption
The World Jurist Association made a presentation at the United Nations Vienna, during the plenary session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention [...]
Opening Session Chile “Transnational Crime and Corruption: Protecting Judicial Independence”
The President of the Supreme Court of Chile, Guillermo Silva Gundelach, participated in the Opening Session Chile of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, titled 'Transnational Crime [...]