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So far admin has created 70 blog entries.

S.M. el Rey entrega el World Peace and Liberty Award a Andrew Young, icono de los derechos civiles en EEUU

Se trata del máximo galardón que entrega la World Jurist Association y reconoce [...]

By |2023-05-24T15:24:52+00:00mayo 9th, 2023|Sin categoría|0 Comments

La World Jurist Association entregará el World Peace and Liberty Award a Andrew Young, ícono de los derechos civiles en EEUU

>> Se trata del máximo galardón que entrega la WJA y reconoce el [...]

By |2023-05-03T09:04:19+00:00mayo 3rd, 2023|World Law Foundation|0 Comments

Nueva York se convertirá en la capital mundial del derecho con la celebración del World Law Congress 2023

Con motivo de su 60 aniversario, la World Jurist Association (WJA) vuelve a [...]

By |2023-04-19T08:40:00+00:00abril 19th, 2023|Sin categoría|0 Comments

Opening Session Sydney on the «Brasilia Declaration of Judges on Water Justice»

The World Jurist Association (WJA) organized on February 9 the Opening Session Sydney [...]

By |2023-03-27T09:10:05+00:00marzo 3rd, 2023|World Law Foundation|Comentarios desactivados en Opening Session Sydney on the «Brasilia Declaration of Judges on Water Justice»

WJA & WLF Signed a Collaboration Agreement with Mexican Guild Organizations

Last week in Mexico City, the World Jurist Association (WJA) and the World [...]

By |2023-03-27T09:10:14+00:00febrero 28th, 2023|World Law Foundation|Comentarios desactivados en WJA & WLF Signed a Collaboration Agreement with Mexican Guild Organizations