The World Law Foundation (WLF) is a non-for-profit organization based in Madrid, aiming at promoting the Rule of Law as a guarantor of freedom and peace, and strengthening democracy and its institutions throughout the world.
It was founded in 2019 as result of the Declaration proclaimed at the World Law Congress Madrid 2019. It was founded by distinguished jurists, academics, journalists, and business people from around the world.
The WLF serves as the executive branch of the World Jurist Association, NGO in special consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC, founded in 1963 in Washington D.C.
Along with the World Jurist Association, the Foundation organizes the biennial World Law Congress; the presentation of the World Peace & Liberty Award, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medals of Honor, the WJA Medals of Honor, aomng other recognition ceremonies.
As part of its global campaign to promote the Rule of Law, the WLF co-edits the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism with Springer publishing house, and has created the Rule of Law Digital Center, a physical and digital space. This is a space open to organizations, institutions, companies, universities, schools, with projects aligned with the mission of the Foundation, where different stakeholders jointly propel their social impact, with focus on promoting the importance of the Rule of Law to young jurists, students, and the general society.
To promote peace and respect for the Rule of Law as guarantor of freedom, and as opposed to the use of force.
To promote dialogue and harmony among nations and regions of the world by encouraging the use of Law, respect and defense of individual freedoms
To promote and disseminate the respect for Law as instrument to defend world peace in international relations between States.
To cooperate with legal and political agents worldwide to promote the respect for the Constitutions, the Rule of Law and Freedom, including constitutional and supreme courts, general prosecutor offices, bar and other guild associations, universities, governmental offices, regional and international organizations, particularly including the World Jurist Association.
Activities to reach our goals
- Research & publications
- Advisory (international and regional entities, governments, and other governmental or non-governmental institutions).
- Events
- Education & Training
- Networking & collaboration
- Global Awards
- Partnerships
The members of the Board of Trustees of the World Law Foundation, alone with its network of more than 8,000 jurists, including institutional and private sponsors worldwide, fund the activities of the World Jurist Association. This strong, dedicated, and powerful network has been working for more than sixty years in “promoting peace through law and a world ruled by law and not by force”.
- Non-profit foundation
- Oversight by Spanish ‘Protectorado de Fundaciones’.
- Funded by public and private donations
- Governance by Board of Trustees & Executive Committees
- Clear obligations and duties of Foundation and Trustees

The recognition of the inherent dignity, equal rights and inalienable rights of humanity, as established in the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our symbol signifies
Equality, freedom, peace, fairness, mercy, respect and dignity for the individual and nature.